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    2020 年廣州南方同創匯榮獲第四届中國
    都市更新論壇頒發的“2020 年都市更新特 別期待獎”;
    2021 年廣州南方同創匯榮獲 ADA 年度亞洲設計大獎科技與工程貢獻獎

    項目位于中國廣州市越秀區核心區位。原狀爲封閉的機關大院,經改造成爲一個與城市空間融為一軆的開放園區。原状建築3號樓為30年樓齡的19層高層建築,建築師和结構工程師通過縝密的研究和創新的設計,在原建築之上加建了7層,使之成為国内加建层數*多的建築。原狀建築4號樓為5層高,通過採用獨特的技術,在其上加建了 5 層。改造後的兩座辦公建築,設置了空中花園、陽檯和露檯,創造了“有氧辦公”的新類型。

    The project is located in the core area of Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, China. The original situation was a closed office compound, which has been transformed into an open business campus. Original building No. 3 of the original building was a 30-year-old 19-story high-rise building. Through careful research and innovative design, architects and structural engineers added 7 floors to the top of the original building, making it the largest number of additional floors in China. Original building No. 4 was 5 floors high, and 5 additional floors were built on top of it by using a unique technology. After the transformation, the two office buildings are equipped with sky gardens, balconies and terraces, creating a new type of "aerobic office".


